Instructional Design

Instructional Design

The rise of social media and an increasingly networked economy have allowed students and teachers to collaborate in newer and more fruitful ways than ever before. This has obvious implications for learning that relies on constructivist and connectionist paradigms. More and more students are turning to games for education - for the challenge, the rewards and sometimes just the ‘fun’ element.

Most significantly, taxonomies have been defined and redefined – Churches/ Bloom’s for objectives and Webb’s for DOK – to allow educators to create more relevant tasks and activities. The emphasis on project based learning continues to be strong across schools in the United States. And, of course, computer science is acknowledging its debt to academia thru the creation of adaptive learning, algorithmic assessments and ‘smart essay’ evaluation.

At Ixia, our team of instructional designers, writers and editors have both expertise and experience to provide cutting edge instructional solutions to our clients. Design of games, design and administration of algorithmic assessments, creation and tagging of test packs and educational ‘apps’ are some of our hugely successful new forays. We have recently created ‘Virtual Reality’ videos for Chemistry and Physics labs. We have also created 3D animation educational videos.

Of course, we are continuously building our strengths in storyboarding, rich media, editing and writing; as also the design of activities (both collaborative and individual) that are context rich, task based and learner centric. We believe that school and student success in the form of ever improving educational outcomes is the raison d’etre of good instructional design.